


This quote appealed to me this morning after reflecting on conversations and experiences I have shared throughout the week.  It has been an AMAZING and productive week, I am grateful to be surrounded by people who are growing and showing up for change.  In our everyday lives, our words reveal many layers.  I believe we can kindle positive interactions and results, if we are mindful and have tools to help us improve.

Did you know that it is possible to create a word cloud from your web posts?  Html Word Cloud is one resource you can utilize at http://timc.idv.tw/wordcloud/  start with the social stream you favor and see what words are generated as a cloud from your posts.  NOTE:  there is an option in the app that offers  WordPress.com, it is NOT WordPress.org (self-hosted).  If you are a client working with me, you have WordPress.org (self-hosted).  The Html Word Cloud is a resource to review what words are used often in posts, the larger words signify your repetitive usage.  This is a fast track method to learn more about our wordprints online and can be useful for us offline too.

If you create a word cloud, please post here on my blog and let me know where I can view it e.g. blog, website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ (your social streams).  I created the word cloud below from my personal Facebook account….it is VERY accurate.   Words do add up as you will see!
