Remember Progress

Remember Progress

This time of year prompts me to remember progress. A few weeks ago I was recalibrating my camera and noticed my favorite tree in the front yard was starting to bloom.  I enjoyed a few moments of photographing the tree and brilliant blooms with the macro lens. As I sat...

Global Tolerance

A film by Global Tolerance. Video from KarmaTube Tip:  At the bottom of the video there is a time counter.   If the video starts and stops when you press play, click and drag the counter box to the left and wait for the video bar to load, then play.  Tolerance or...
Wall Dogs: The Midair Muralists Who Paint New York

Wall Dogs: The Midair Muralists Who Paint New York

This is a very inspirational video for me because I didn’t know about the meaning or history of “Wall Dogs”.  I really enjoyed learning about this 100+ year old profession and the artisans committed to their work in spite of challenging conditions. A...


I am feeling grateful for everything….and I mean every morsel.  This time of year brings up memories of my childhood and the people who contributed to a safe place to live and grow.  I have sweet memories of my birth family at Christmas…the laughter,...
Palettes for Food-tography

Palettes for Food-tography

Amazing food and the palettes that compliment the art is one of my favorite mediums.   I always say “You Eat with Your Eyes First”.  One of the elements that inspires me is when someone turns me on to new dining experiences.  There’s so much we can...